About Tammi Murphy
This author has not yet filled in any details.So far Tammi Murphy has created 13 blog entries.
Seasonal Saturdays are Back!
Tammi Murphy2022-08-19T12:06:16-04:00Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Lakeshore Pediatric Center seasonal Saturday hours are back for our established patients for sick visits only. Hours are 9 until 12! Call us at 704-489-8401 for details and/or to schedule an appointment
Baby Formula Shortage
Tammi Murphy2022-05-16T09:25:30-04:00In light of the ongoing formula shortage, below is information from AAP that we would like to share with all our families. With the baby formula shortage, what should I do if I can't find any? Since the outbreak of COVID-19, there have been significant shortages of infant formulas in some stores. Current shortages have [...]
Flu Vaccine Clinic/ Say BOO to the FLU!
Tammi Murphy2020-10-07T12:23:25-04:00Lakeshore Pediatric Center, PA will be holding a Flu Vaccine Clinic on Saturday October 17, 2020 & Saturday October 31, 2020 for any of our established patients that need to obtain their Seasonal (2020-21) Flu vaccination. Our hours of operation will be from 9 am to 1 pm for each of these weekend days, with [...]
Coronavirus Podcast with Mike Bagwell
Tammi Murphy2020-08-10T19:46:04-04:00Tune in to the link below on buzzsprout.com where Enders Insurance host Mike Bagwell interviews our Clinical Medical Director Dr. Wissam E. Nadra, MD, MHA, FAAP, AIHM. We promise that it will be a refreshing take on COVID-19 recommendations. We pride ourselves in giving the best medical care to our pediatric patients at Lakeshore [...]
Updated Lakeshore Pediatric Center, PA Procedures
Tammi Murphy2020-05-12T16:08:49-04:00EFFECTIVE 5/18/20 Lakeshore Pediatric Center, PA is committed to the well-being of all children and to providing the safest environment for patients, employees, medical providers and our community. With this in mind, we have made several changes to our standard operating procedures. WE ARE NOT CURRENTLY TESTING FOR CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)! Otherwise, Lakeshore Pediatric Center, PA is [...]
New Office Hours During COVID-19 Crisis
Tammi Murphy2020-03-31T10:45:26-04:00Lakeshore Pediatric Center, PA Amended Office Hours During The COVID-19 Pandemic. Starting on March 30, 2020 our office hours will be as follows: Monday thru. Wednesday: 8am to 5 pm (Lunch break between 12 noon and 1 pm) Thursday: 8 am to 12 noon Friday thru. Sunday: CLOSED DURING THESE OFFICE HOURS, ALL [...]
Telemed Visits at Lakeshore Pediatric Center, PA
Tammi Murphy2020-03-25T14:42:31-04:00Now available at Lakeshore Pediatric Center, P.A. Call to Make an Appointment. What is Telemedicine? Telemedicine is the remote delivery of healthcare services using live video visits. It allows healthcare providers an additional way to evaluate, diagnose and develop treatment plans with patients using technology, such as video conferencing and smartphones, without the need for [...]
Coronavirus Self Checker
Tammi Murphy2020-03-23T11:50:14-04:00Good day to all our patients and patient families. We are sharing with you a bot checker ???? named ‘Clara’ just released via the CDC re: COVID-19. We hope that this will give you some guidance. This does not substitute getting advice from your physician / medical provider. We are always available to answer any [...]
Corona Virus, Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Tammi Murphy2020-03-18T09:49:28-04:00Good day, 1) We trust that everyone is practicing good hand washing techniques and self-quarantine for yourselves and your families. Below is a CDC link that reviews Pregnancy and Breastfeeding that incorporates FAQ about these topics and COVID-19. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/pregnancy-breastfeeding.html?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fcoronavirus%2F2019-ncov%2Fspecific-groups%2Fpregnancy-faq.html 2) Please note that we are requiring everyone to put a face mask and gloves on, when [...]